Tech Sales is for Hustlers
memoryBlue Cofounders Chris Corcoran and Marc Gonyea sit down with former employees – appropriately termed alumni – to unearth the untold stories, secrets of success and winding pathways that have led to big-time tech sales careers. These compelling tales offer unique insight into what it takes to make it in professional sales. Along the way, you’ll pick up tips, tactics, and advice that’s worth its weight in gold.
Tech Sales is for Hustlers
137: Ron Cooke - An Unexpected Journey
Quality leadership comes from those who make a point to prioritize the people they’re leading. This has been a central theme in Managing Director Ron Cooke’s journey as he’s managed to explore a wide range of interests and careers, while continually keeping his focus on the people involved and how to help them.
In this episode of Tech Sales is for Hustlers, listeners will get the chance to gain a deeper understanding of such a familiar face around the office! From his pursuit of a career as a relationship counselor in undergrad to his passion and career in the fitness industry, there is sure to be something new to learn about Ron for everyone listening!